
Numeros en el Desierto

Bemidbar en hebreo o Números de griego nos muestra el discipulado en el desierto antes de tomar posesión de la tierra prometida. Se cuenta la gente y se hacen los preparativos para la marcha. Aquellos que se quejan o dudan fueron destruidos, mientras los contentos, santos y fieles perseveraron con la nueva generación.

¿Qué entendiste del libro de Números?

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Leviticus Called to Holiness

The book of Leviticus or in Hebrew Vayikra meaning Called is teaching how anointed priests from the tribe of Levi to fulfill commandments to live holy in the presence of God as His people.

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We are Singing Scriptures – key verses 11:44-47, 19:18 

I am Iehovah who brought you out,
from the land of bondage to be your God.
So be sanctified because I Am Sacred,
to discern what is clean from what is unclean.

We offer Proper Sacrifices Cleansing Treatments Instruction for Sanctification

1-5 Vayikra: Laws of Sacrifice
6-8 Tzav: coordination between priests
9-11 Shemini: consecration, foreign fire, dietary laws
12-13 Tazria: birth, skin diseases, clothing
14-15 Metzora: infected houses, genital rules
16-18 Acharei: Yom Kippur, intimate practices
19-20 Kedoshim: sanctification, sanctions
21-24 Emor: rules for priests, holy days,
25-25 Behar: Jubilee Sabbath year, the ransom
26-27 Bechukotai: blessings and curses, tithes

The book of Leviticus, written by Moses, is the third book of the five books of the Pentateuch. It was a book of regulations whereby the Israelites could learn how to live Godly lives through sacrifice and worship. But it is much more than just a rule book. Things are revealed about the nature of God, such as sin is always detestable in God’s sight and that sin must be atoned for by the offering of sacrificial blood. This points to the future and the ultimate sacrifice, as the Blood of Christ was given as the final sacrifice for all. There are also words of comfort and encouragement in that faithfulness to God’s word allows His peace and presence to fill our lives, even in the most difficult and tumultuous of times.

God will show himself holy always, forever. He will be honored and we should always put that before us. The entire book about distinguishing between the holy and the common, between the unclean and clean and thus being holy and clean and teaching others with God’s word to do the same. It is commanded of us! To keep ourselves holy and sanctified to him. He wants us to rebuke frankly so we don’t share in the guilt. Our sacrifice to him is obeying him and is an aroma pleasing to him!

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